

The Card component is a versatile UI element used to display content and actions on a single topic. It can contain various elements such as text, images, and buttons.


Install the package

npm i @start-base/start-ui

Add the styles

To use the React form elements styles in a Next.js project, import the styles in your layout.tsx file.

import "@start-base/start-ui/styles.css";

Import the component

import Card from '@start-base/start-ui/Card';


Card Default

Introduction to StartUI

Learn how StartUI helps you build scalable web apps faster.

StartUI provides a comprehensive set of customizable UI components for SaaS applications.

Card Fluid

StartUI - Full-Width Design

This card showcases StartUI's ability to scale across different screen sizes.

StartUI components are fully responsive, adjusting seamlessly to the size of the container.

Card Small

Small Card

This is an example of a small card in StartUI.

Small cards are great for compact data displays and minimal content blocks.

Card Large

Large Card

Learn how StartUI helps you build scalable web apps faster.

Large cards are great for compact data displays and minimal content blocks.

Card Collapsible

Collapsible Card

Click to expand and learn about how StartUI handles collapsible components.

StartUI components support advanced interactivity like collapsibility, perfect for dashboards.


childrenstringChildren of the Card
titleReactNodeTitle of the Card
descriptionReactNodeDescription of the Card
collapsiblebooleanfalseCollapsible of the Card
sizestringmediumsmall medium largeSize of the Card
fluidbooleanfalseFluid of the Card
classNamestringClassname of the Card